05 - Database engine
Bellow you can find short overview of primary database engines in Azure and their comparison.
Majority of developers directly go to use Azure SQL, but in many cases Storage Table can be enough and is far more cheaper. It is also good to mention CosmosDB multi-type model database capable of supporting almost any type and structure of data across all regions.
Azure SQL tiers
In terms of Azure SQL it is also good to mention their tiers.
Database Transaction Unit is measure combination of CPU, memory, read and write usage. It is ideal option for most use cases and mostly used, but it is good to look at limitations that are in effect for cheapest tiers of DTU.
Elastic pool
Elastic allows us to share one eDTU limit between several databases. Ideal for databases that are not used in same time or don´t have constant usage.
Virtual core directly provide us with core and doesn´t care if we use it or not. It is most expensive option if we are not able to utilize it correctly. Careful!! Entity framework, Health checks, etc. likes to ping database each minute and that will prevent vCore database from going to sleep.